Primary PC Course Details

3-Day Course with Eric Jon: Phelps

Classes are held every month in Pennsylvania.  As exact locations vary, details will be given to you at the time of your reservation and/or payment.  Class time will be from 9:00am to 6:00pm with one hour for lunch.  Class sessions are serious and intense as all sections must be covered.  The third day is devoted to understanding the Declaration of Status.

This is not a public event whatsoever but is by invitation only.  Check my website for potential class dates.

Enroll in the Private American National Citizenship class (image below).  Included with class materials are DVDs American Jesuits (2024) and The True Christian History of America (2020) by Chris Pinto, owner of Adullam Films.  Also included is the DVD “War and Emergency Powers” by Dr. Eugene Schroder (1994).  Also included is “Meet Your Strawman” by David Robinson and the e-book Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends” (2007) along with the class zip drive.  We review the Power Point, “Seven Transitions of American Citizenship,” as well as past historical and judicial key documents.  We then review the paperwork to be executed and filed in a public office which filing is absolutely necessary in order to cease from being a federally-owned, contract “U.S. citizen,” termed also by the federal courts as a “citizen of the Federal Government,” and a United States business.”  By said filing with a state or federal court, we return to the former status held by all American citizens being a “Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States: Private American National: Non-“U.S. citizen:” American Freeman/State National.”  For a gift of 4,000.00FRNs to the ministry you may come and take the class for three days or have it mailed to you for home study via a Zoom class.  The class will be recorded.

If your spouse wishes to attend this 3-Day Course, there is no additional cost for her/him.  If you are first time attendee, an accompanying friend may attend with you for an additional donation of 1,000.00FRNs.  No class materials will be provided for the accompanying friend.

Returning Grads may attend for a donation of 1,000.00FRNs 

Payable by Check, Money Order, Cash App or Bank Wire.  All donations are final and non-refundable.


Advanced Class Details

3-Day Course with Eric Jon: Phelps

Topics covered are:  Five-Star Passport Card (another student just received one in May, 2019, in Washington, DC); Notice of Status of ALL CAPS to 16 offices; Petition for Decree For Beneficial Ownership of the Name and Estate of ALL CAPS private trust; Review of Transcript of EJP’s Court case with the Decree; Theory of Abatement of Civil Actions; Theory of Abatement at Criminal Arraignment; Orphan’s Court/Probate Court Case proving their is no full accounting of the ALL CAPS Estate to be had during this Emergency Banking Emergency / State of War; opening a Business Account for your Principal; Dual Powers of Federal District Courts (Article III Judicial and Article I Legislative); Ecclesiastical Trusts to be used for many purposes, Moot court teaching how to potentially prevent the attachment of personal jurisdiction in both criminal and civil matters, and other goodies.

If your spouse wishes to attend this 3-Day Course, there is no additional donation for her/him.  If you are first time attendee, an accompanying friend may attend with you for an additional donation of 1,000.00 FRNs.  No class materials will be provided for the accompanying friend.

Returning Grads may attend for a donation of 1,000.00 FRNs

Payable by Check, Money Order, Cash App or Bank Wire.  All donations are final and non-refundable.

Primary PC Course required before taking this class.  

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs for 3-day class.



Individual Income Tax Avoidance

3-Day Course with Eric Jon: Phelps

The graduated Individual Income Tax on “all that comes in” is Voluntary for those workers and business people in the private sector.  Learn its history, how and when it was imposed and WHY it was imposed—by the Jesuits, their Scottish-Rite Freemasons, Skull and Bonesmen and other Jesuit temporal coadjutors.  Then learn to properly AVOID that socialist-communist, individual income tax which, according to the Grace Commission chaired by the late Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace (and party to the Kennedy Assassination/Cover-up), is only applied to the interest on the national debt of the Emergency War Powers Military Government centered in Washington, D.C., its “sovereign” Commander in chief waging international crusades for the benefit of the pope of Rome.  Attend my three-day class for 4,000FRNs.




Document Preparation Services

If you desire to have your Declaration of Status documents prepared for you, an associate will provide the service for 1500.00 FRNs per person.  If you desire to have your Declaration of Status documents reviewed after you have prepared them for yourself, the service will be provided by the same associate for 750.00 FRNS with the understanding that you will adhere to the templates.  




In my Advanced Class asset protection will be taught from a Biblical position.  The importance of having a First Amendment Church protected by 26 USC 508(c)(1)(A) along with an integrated auxiliary of said Church with which to hold real and personal property will be fully discussed.  Removal from the residential property tax index of the county by making said residential property trust res of the Church’s integrated auxiliary will be stressed as a possibility.  Each church property will be used for religious, charitable and educational purposes.   For more information call Eric Jon: Phelps at 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200.





The use of Private Trusts for the holding of real and personal property will be stressed as an absolute necessity for all students.  The Private Trust is not used for business purposes but for only holding property.  For a gift of 10,000.00FRNs to the ministry the individual will be provided a trust customized to his liking and will be taught how to use the trust along with a few other features unique to the ministry of this Church.  For more information call Eric Jon: Phelps at 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200.



Private: Non-Statutory, Created by Private Contract.  

Irrevocable:  All Trust Property cannot be returned to the name of the original owner. 

Ecclesiastical:  Sub-Trust of Reformation Bible Trust, an Integrated Auxiliary of Reformation Bible Puritan Baptist Church, having Title 26 USC 508(c)(1)(A) protection as a matter of State determination.

Consists of the Grantor-Settlor, Trustee, Trust Property (Trust Res), and the Beneficiary with Family or other Beneficiaries.

Not in Commerce or any kind of “Business.”

Merely Holds property for the benefit of the Beneficiaries.



All kinds of property, real and personal, can be made Trust Property.

Trust Property is no longer titled in the name of the individual Man or Woman.

No need for a Will, a Lawyer, or Probate.

EIN provided by the Grantor-Settlor for Trustee to set up Ecclesiastical Trust Bank Account.

If you have “gross income,” 50% of net income can be given to the Trust as a deduction on your tax return.

Trust Monies, derived from the sale of Trust Property and not derived from commercial activity, are mandatory exceptions from the income excise taxing jurisdiction of Federal and State agencies.

No Capital Gains tax when Trust Property is sold by Trustee.

No Inheritance Tax.  Family members are already Beneficiaries of the Trust.

Equity of the Residential Property is Trust Property with no need to lien the Equity.

Eric Jon: Phelps, Grantor-Settlor, is a Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States / Private American National / Non-”U.S. citizen” by Pennsylvania State Court Decree.

No Trust has provided this level of protection ever!

One of these Trusts is now used in protecting Amish farmers as they provide farm items to beneficiaries as a ministry of Reformation Bible Puritan Baptist Church.

That Trust ministry may be seen here.

Donation: 10,000.00FRNs

Contact EJP: Mon-Weds-Fri, 2:00-7:00 pm EST; Tues, Thurs, Sat, 10:00-7:00 pm EST

Phone: 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200










The following information or items will be provided for a gift to this ministry:


(1)  Dr. Jeff Sullender’s Special Report High Absorption Supplements——30.00FRNs

(2)  Vaccine Exemption Card————————————————50.00FRNs

(3)  247 World Radio Broadcasts 2013-2024—–100.00FRNs ea; 150FRNs for 2

(4)  Anonymous New Mexico Limited Liability Company——–1,300.00FRNs

(5)  Private Irrevocable Ecclesiastical Sub-Trust of RBT———–10,000.00FRNs

(6)  Preparation of PANC Declaration of Status Documents——-1,500.00FRNs

(7)  Class on Individual Income Tax Avoidance———————–4,000.00FRNs

(8)  Source for Moving 401(k) Funds to Fixed Index Annuity——200.00FRNs

(9)  APeX Water for all maladies———————————–As Needed

         Direct all questions to Victoria in the video above!

(10)  Order Sean Hanlon’s book titled The 3rd Truth

from his website in Ireland.  Definitive work on the Pandemic

and the Great Reset containing many excellent historical facts!——–16.00FRNs


For any questions contact EJP at or

Office Phone: 610-589-5300






Individual Income Tax Avoidance Class

To be Scheduled upon Student Interest (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)

(3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps)

Course Presenter: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs






Primary PC Course

To be Scheduled upon Student Interest (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)

(3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps)

Course Presenter: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs





Advanced Class (Primary PC Course Required)

To be Scheduled upon Student Interest (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)

(3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps)

Course Presenter: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs





Call Eric Jon: Phelps for your reservation.


Lord willing, we shall meet in 2025.  You will not regret the time spent in understanding this issue as it is one the most important, life changing events that you may ever address.  All the best my friend.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Brother Eric Jon: Phelps
Author, Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”
203 South Fort Zellers Road
Newmanstown, Pennsylvania
Zip Code Excepted [17073]
Office: 610-589-5300
Church: 610-340-0734
Ephesians 5:11


The author makes no claims or guarantees as to your success when using the processes taught in these courses.  The seminars are taught for historical and informational purposes only.  The user of these processes is solely responsible for his success or failure if involved in any legal or equitable procedure whatsoever.

Private American National Citizenship Course Vol I Cover for Binders Large 247worldradio





Eric Jon Phelps

The Purpose of the Course is to return a natural person who is a Public “U.S. citizen” to the citizenship status of being a Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States of America: American Freeman; American National.  The Course, for information purposes only and making no claims as to your success in any legal arena in using this process, includes one, three-inch thick, three-ring binder containing the materials to be covered.  The contents of those volumes are as follows:

Day One: Volume I; 15 Sections

  1. Seven Transitions of American Citizenship;
  2. English Freemen/Puritan Freemen/American Freemen;
  3. Privileges and Immunities of Article IV, Section 2, De Jure Private American National Citizenship: Includes the Bill of Rights;
  4. Purpose of Fourteenth Amendment (1868); Article IV, Section 2, De Jure American Citizenship “Broadened;” Power Centered in Washington;
  5. Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873); Bill of Rights not Privileges and Immunities of “Broadened” De Jure American Citizenship;
  6. Downes v Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901); Congress Given Absolute Power to Legislate Over the Territories of the “United States;”
  7. Military Government and Martial Law, 1914; Army Major William E. Birkhimer; States Reduced to “Conquered Territories;”
  8. Ancient Law, Sir Henry Sumner Maine, 1864; “Legal Fiction, Equity and Legislation;” (Substance, Mode, Circumstances);
  9. Rome’s Coup d’etat, March 9, 1933; Emergency War Powers Invoked; De Facto Military Government Imposed;
  10. Senate Report No. 93-549 (1973); “Emergency Powers Statutes;” Report on “Termination of National Emergency;”
  11. CRS Report for Congress, 2001; National Emergency Powers; Four Primary Presidential Proclamations;
  12. Hooven & Allison Co v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945); Three Definitions of “United States;” 28 USC 3002; 4th Definition of “United States;”
  13. Army Regulation 840-10; Military Colors; Gold-Fringed Flag; War Powers/Military Courtroom;
  14. Book of the Hundreds; Jural Society (1994); Martial Process Replaces Civil Process, 1938; Private Citizen’s Remedy to Emergency War Powers Military due Process;
  15. Intro to Non-Statutory, Common Law Remedy; Common Law Abatement, 1994

Day Two: Volume I, Section 9; 15 Sections

  1. Trading With the Enemy Act, October 6, 1917, Original Act Published by Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Controlled by the Archbishop of New York City;
  2. Trading With the Enemy Act, October 6, 1917, Regulates all Transactions with the Enemy Outside of the United States, Codified as title 50 USC 4305(b);
  3. FDR’s Proclamation 2039, March 6, 1933, Roosevelt Invokes Trading With the Enemy Act, All Registered Property Seized as Booty of War, The Sovereign People now the Conquered People;
  4. Emergency Banking Relief Act, March 9, 1933, War Powers Congress Approves and Confirms All Proclamations, Including 2039; De Facto Military Government Imposed;
  5. 73rd Congress’ Congressional Record, March 9, 1933; EBRA a mortgage on the all the property of the people/enemies of the Nation under Military Government;
  6. Lincoln’s General Orders No. 100 / Lieber Code 1863; Hague Convention Treaty 1907 governing the treatment of Private Citizens during war;
  7. FDR’s Proclamation 2040, March 9, 1933, Roosevelt Backed by EBRA Continues National Emergency Declared in Proclamation 2039; President now the Conqueror/Commander in chief, the pope’s Holy Roman Emperor of the United States under Military Occupation;
  8. Documents and Statements Pertaining to Banking Emergency, February 25 to March 31, 1933;, Proclamation 2039, EBRA, Proclamation 2040
  9. Word for Word Comparison Between Section 5(b) of “The Trading With the Enemy Act” (1917) And Section 5(b) of the “Emergency Banking Relief Act” (1933); EBRA brings TWEA into the United States;
  10. Emergency Banking Relief Act, March 9, 1933, Codified as Title 12 USC 95a & b; Based Upon Trading With the Enemy Act, Title 50 USC 4305(b)
  11. National Emergencies Act, 1976, Protects Emergency War Powers of De Facto Military Government Of the United States, Maintains 12 USC 95a and 50 USC App. 5(b) now 50 USC 4305(b);
  12. Bankruptcy of the temporary Emergency War Powers Military Government, June 5, 1933, Payment of Gold Suspended for all “Persons” Under Proclamation 2040 & TWEA/EBRA,
  13. “Contracts Payable in Gold,” 1933; all Property for the Benefit of the State; Enemies have no Legal Title to Seized Property being Mere Custodians;
  14. Permanent State of War, Proclamation 2039/2040; “A Special Report on the National Emergency in the United States of America,” Dr. Eugene Schroder, 1994
  15. COMPARISON AND CONCLUSION, Private Citizen/Civilian Process; Public Citizen/ Martial Process De Jure Jurisdiction/De Facto Jurisdiction

Day Three: Volume II; 15 Sections

  1. Jesuit Reductions in Paraguay (1609-1759); Tenets of Socialist-Communism Perfected; Future Jesuit General Pieter Beckx tutors Jewish Freemason Karl Marx (1840s);
  2. Roman Catholic Baptism; Creates Vatican City State Citizenship; Confers Personal Jurisdiction of the Roman Papal Caesar;
  3. Code of Canon Law, 1983; Canons are Statutes of Vatican City State; Renunciation of Privilege of Papal Citizenship Conferred at Baptism;
  4. State Birth Certificate Maxims; Creates Artificial De Facto “U.S. Citizenship;” (De Facto Roman World Citizenship); Legislative Power of Congress Unlimited;
  5. Law of Release; Restoration of Former Status; De Jure Private Citizenship of the United States; Secured by Section 1, 14th Amendment;
  6. THREE KEY DOCUMENTS; Release, Rescission of Signatures of Suretyship; Notice of Private Trust Arrangement;
  7. Declaration of Status including Sixteen Affidavits and Five Unilateral Contracts;
  8. Instructions for Filing Declaration of Status; Sixteen Supportive Exhibits; Filed in State Court of Record or Federal District Court;
  9. Non-UCC Filing for ALL CAPS Private Business Trust; DBA/Nameholder of Record Filing for ALL CAPS Private Business Trust;
  10. Notice of Status, Title and Claim to Sixteen Parties, for Emergency War Powers Military Government to Upgrade its Interlocking Directorate;
  11. Creating the ALL CAPS Private Business Trust;
  12. Hale v. Henkel, 201 US 43 (1906) defining the Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States;
  13. Pre-March 8, 1933, “American Citizenship,” American National and American Citizen synonymous terms;
  14. Investigative Report of Barton Buhtz, 2008; Special Trust Account at Treasury for ALL CAPS enemy alien under TWEA/EBRA;
  15. Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States; Epic Right of CIVILIAN Due Process of Law as Opposed to Emergency War Powers Military Due Process of Law.