Preaching the true Gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ
and exposing the power of the Jesuit Order ruling the world
from Rome through London, Washington, D.C. and Brussels

as well as 

Moscow, Beijing, Berlin and Paris


Donate to our Ministry


“Satan dreads nothing but prayer.  The church that lost its Christ was full of good works.  Activities are multiplied that meditation may be ousted, and organizations are increased that prayer may have no chance.  Souls may be lost in good works, as surely as in evil ways.  The one concern of the Devil is to keep the saints from praying.  He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion.  He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray. . . . 

“Go back!  Back to that upper room; back to your knees; back to searching of heart and habit, thought and life; back to pleading, praying, waiting, till the Spirit of the Lord floods the soul with light, and you are ‘endued with power from on high.’   Then go forth in the power of Pentecost, and the Christ-life shall be lived, and the works of Christ shall be done.  You shall open blind eyes, cleanse foul hearts, break men’ s fetters, and save men’s souls.  In the power of the indwelling Spirit, miracles become the commonplace of daily living.”

Bounds, Edward M., E. M. Bounds on Prayer (New Kensington: Pennsylvania: Whitaker House, 1997; first published in early 1900s) pp. 218, 587.  Above, Bounds quotes Samuel Chadwick.


The following poem was written by a dear Brother-in-Christ and supporter for years.  EJP





“Metallic, painted ground-ships scar,

Spidery splinters calked with tar

Tirelessly trodden under rubbery tires

And smoke, billowing from factory pyres.

Stalked again – this time from

Behind. She darkened the doorway,

decadently draped,

Poised on her perch with smeared grin misshaped.

She called out to me with speech like lyres.


What are your deepest, most torrid desires?


Her face was painted – the colors of war;

Her stance at the ready, jade lips sharply swore.

My eyes fixed forward, back straight, but not rigid – I was startled,

but not tricked, and not immediately licked.

Frozen silence, so frigid, hung steadfast and heavy. Compared to it, the smoggy haze heavenly.

My head was ice to the pick of her gaze,

Hammering feverishly, pounding for days,

And just when I thought would be no faster rate,

I heard hellish laughter and then her mouth state:


I’ve snuffed out their lights

And I’ll snuff yours out too.

I swear that I’ll do it, if it’s the last thing I do.  Deep down inside, you know it’s true.

Death is my reason and lust is my rhyme;

Sure, walk away, take what’s left of your time.  Sooner or later, you’ll crack and you’ll stew;

Your flesh like a cauldron will boil up in you; With flushed face aflame and all passion anew,

Surely, oh man, you’ll run back to me too.


At this, I then turned and faced her affront.

This Medusa of sorts and her Jezebel stunt!  Others guffawed as my leer searched her face,

for any corrigible, redeemable trace.

It was then that I gave her the gospel of grace:


Repent, oh foul woman,

Thou grafter of souls!

Your venomous sting won’t – cannot – hold, Though thy honeycomb lips

drip thick drops of sweet sin

And thy mouth is oiled smoothly

and slippery within!

For I, of myself, had no power to drave,

Thy tendrils of death from ‘round some knavish slave.’

Jesus Christ is my strength!

He is mighty to save – In him, only him,

Will I rise from your grave!

It is finished, complete,

My sin was his shame.

His righteousness covereth

This Mephibosheth lame!


She shrieked and she howled – retreated, defeated:


“The Holy One of Israel, I have no claim – why, oh why, must you invoke HIS name?”


I spun right around and did not look back,

As she melted in darkness and called off her attack.

I know she is beaten, but not at my hand;

Christ is the reason I take my stand.”


Clayton Jarvis




Donate to our Ministry

Or, Become a Monthly Supporter

Monthly Supporters receive a 5% Discount on all recommended gift amounts, while subscribed. (Click Link Above)

OUR MISSION:   To Preach the True Gospel of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 15:1-4); Defend the Protestant Reformation and the Reformation Bibles in the languages of the nations; Defend the Right, Title and Interest of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites to their Land of Israel given to them by the Lord’s Unilateral Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15:18) to the exclusion of all other racial peoples; and Expose the Dastardly History and Political Power of the Diabolical Jesuit Order now Ruling the World from Rome’s Sovereign State of Vatican City via Brussels, London and Washington, D.C.

24/7 World Radio features an HTML5 Player that does not require any downloads, flash, plugins or extensions.  Mobile listeners will enjoy instant play capabilities with our Smart Mobile Link that does not require an App!  Stay tuned!


All Gifts in Exchange for the Information Below are Denominated in Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs).


All Dollars in Gold were confiscated by May, 1, 1933, and All Dollars in Silver were confiscated in 1965. This confiscation of Constitutional Money (Article 1, Section 10) was brought about by the Jesuits using Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson leading the “Liberal” Socialist-Communist Democratic Party aided and abetted by the “Conservative” Socialist Republican Party, both parties working together subject to the Council on Foreign Relations overseen by the American Pope, the Archbishop of New York City.

All Americans now exchange their property for the property of others using the Pope’s Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)!





The Vatican Assassins Store posted here at 24/7 World Radio, in the menu above. It enables you to download Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends,” Third Edition, to your kindle or personal computer.  The donation for this 1836-page work is only 35.00FRNs!  Please get your copy now for your further understanding of the history and power of the Jesuit Order while helping this ministry continue to expose the ubiquitous Society of Jesus in full control of Hollywood (via Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Chris Dodd!), that American Babylon!





Enroll in the Private American National Citizenship class (image below).  Included with class materials are DVDs American Jesuits (2024) and The True Christian History of America (2020) by Chris Pinto, owner of Adullam Films.  Also included is the DVD “War and Emergency Powers” by Dr. Eugene Schroder (1994).  Also included is “Meet Your Strawman” by David Robinson.  We review the Power Point, “Seven Transitions of American Citizenship,” as well as past historical and judicial key documents.  We then review the paperwork to be executed and filed in a public office which filing is absolutely necessary in order to cease from being a federally-owned, contract “U.S. citizen,” termed also by the federal courts as a “citizen of the Federal Government,” and a United States business.”  By said filing with a state or federal court, we return to the former status held by all American citizens being a “Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States: Private American National: Non-“U.S. citizen:” American Freeman/State National.”  For a gift of 4,000.00FRNs to the ministry you may come and take the class for three days or have it mailed to you for home study via a Zoom class.  The class will be recorded.

Concerning specifics of both the Primary PC Course and the Advanced PC Course, go to the “Private Citizenship Class” tab.





In my Advanced Class asset protection will be taught from a Biblical position.  The importance of having a First Amendment Church protected by 26 USC 508(c)(1)(A) along with an integrated auxiliary of said Church with which to hold real and personal property will be fully discussed.  Removal from the residential property tax index of the county by making said residential property trust res of the Church’s integrated auxiliary will be stressed as a possibility.  It may involve filing a Petition in Equity to remove non-commercial, private residential property from the property tax roll.  Each church property will be used for religious, charitable and educational purposes.   One half day will be spent on “Moot Court,” namely, how to theoretically prevent the establishment of the personal jurisdiction of the Court in both civil and criminal matters based upon at least five pieces of evidence presented under oath or affirmation before the Court during an “Identity Hearing.”  Successes and failures will be reviewed.  For a gift of 4,000.00FRNs to the ministry you may take the class for three days or have it mailed to you for home study via Zoom class.  The class will be recorded.  For more information call Eric Jon: Phelps at 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200. 





The use of Private Trusts for the holding of real and personal property will be stressed as an absolute necessity for all students.  My exclusive, Private, Irrevocable, Ecclesiastical Sub-Trust of Reformation Bible Trust unlike any trust you have ever seen, is not used for business purposes but for only holding church property.   For a gift of 10,000.00 FRNs, the individual will be provided a trust customized to his liking and will be taught how to use the trust along with a few other features unique to the ministry of this Church.  Two of the benefits of holding real property in this trust are: (1)  holding no personal or real property in your name and avoiding all capital gains taxes when the real property is sold; and, (2) lawfully avoiding the pope’s socialist-communist income tax for business profits.  In these days of ubiquitous Jesuit Power within the American Empire composed of its sovereign States deemed conquered Territories since March 9, 1933, all Americans should hold property in a trust or in several trusts.  For more information call Eric Jon: Phelps at 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200.



Private: Non-Statutory, Created by Private Contract.  

Irrevocable:  All Trust Property cannot be returned to the name of the original owner. 

Ecclesiastical:  Sub-Trust of Reformation Bible Trust, an Integrated Auxiliary of Reformation Bible Puritan Baptist Church, having Title 26 USC 508(c)(1)(A) protection as a matter of State determination.

Consists of the Grantor-Settlor creating the Trust,  the Trustee, Trust Property (Trust Res), and the Beneficiary to include Family or other Beneficiaries.

Not in Commerce or any kind of “Business.”

Merely Holds property for the benefit of the Beneficiaries.

Cannot be Pierced as No Court, proceeding in it usual temporary, federally-conferred, emergency war powers military jurisdiction, can Establish In Personam Jurisdiction over the Trustee, Eric Jon: Phelps, a Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States by State Court Decree in Equity.



All kinds of property, real and personal, can be made Trust Property.

Trust Property is no longer titled in the name of the individual Man or Woman.

No need for a Will, a Lawyer, or Probate.

EIN provided by the Grantor-Settlor for the Trustee to set up Ecclesiastical Trust Bank Account.

If you have “gross income,” 50% of net income can be given to the Trust as a deduction on your tax return.

Trust Monies, derived from the sale of Trust Property and not derived from commercial activity, are mandatory exceptions from the income excise taxing jurisdiction of Federal and State agencies.

No Capital Gains tax when Trust Property is sold by the Trustee.

No Inheritance Tax.  Family members are already Beneficiaries of the Trust.

Equity of the Residential Property is Trust Property with no need to lien the Equity.

Eric Jon: Phelps, Grantor-Settlor, is a Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States / Private American National / Non-”U.S. citizen” by Pennsylvania State Court Decree.

No Trust has provided this level of protection ever!

Donation: 10,000.00FRNs

Contact EJP: Mon-Weds-Fri, 2:00-7:00 pm EST; Tues, Thurs, Sat, 10:00-7:00 pm EST

Phone: 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200






The graduated Individual Income Tax on “all that comes in” is Voluntary for those working in the private sector.  Learn its history, how and when it was imposed on the working man in 1943 and WHY it was imposed—by the Jesuits, their Scottish-Rite Freemasons, Skull and Bonesmen and other Jesuit temporal coadjutors.  Then learn to properly, lawfully AVOID that socialist-communist, individual income tax which, according to the Grace Commission chaired by the late Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace (and party to the Kennedy Assassination/Cover-up), is only applied to the interest on the national debt of the Emergency War Powers Military Government centered in Washington, D.C., its “sovereign” Commander in chief waging international crusades for the benefit of the pope of Rome.  If you have no “income derived from a source,” then you have no income tax liability.  The Attend my three-day on line class for 4,000.00 FRNs.  



Announcing a New Class:

Martin Luther Never Wrote

On the Jews and Their Lies” (1543)

A New Class is now offered on the Great Reformer and Father of Western Civilization born out of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther.  The Class proves Luther never wrote the abomination known as “On the Jews and Their Lies” (OJTL).  The Jesuits are the masters of modern day forgeries, including “Mein Kampf” (allegedly written by Hitler) and “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (allegedly written by Jews).  Their greatest forgery of all is “On the Jews and Their Lies” (allegedly written by Luther).  Therein, the Company blamed our beloved Martin Luther as the author of OJTL enabling the Jesuits and their political temporal coadjutors to unite German Protestant Lutherans of Prussia with German Roman Catholics of Bavaria in the Order’s systematic extermination of European and Russian Jewry.  EJP proves OJTL was written in the mid-1800s about the time of the pope’s Jesuit agitation known as “The Jewish Question.”  Coupled with the anti-Jewish, Jesuit Agitation known as “the Dreyfus Affair,” this would lead to the call for a “homeland for the Jews” to return to their ancient promised land of the Abrahamic Covenant.  But how could the Jews of Europe and Western Russia be forced to return to their land?  The Black Pope’s “Obsidian Order” would carry out its Eurasian Jewish Holocaust in control of both the Masonic Allied and the Axis powers (i.e., Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Churchill, FDR, Petain, Stalin and Hirohito).  Subsequently, the Order would use the surviving remnant of Jews to return to Jerusalem and their land—exactly as promoted by OJTL!


The Class is a one day event on Zoom taught by EJP.  The cost is 1,500.00FRNs that includes a two-inch, three-ring binder with fifteen sections.  The entire OJTL is reviewed along with the eschatology of Luther proving the Order is the real diabolical monster behind the greatest forgery of the last 500 years—“On the Jews and Their Lies“!


Contact Eric Jon: Phelps to schedule a class.




Phone: 484-238-5200






The following information or items will be provided for a recommended donation amount to this ministry:


(1)  Dr. Jeff Sullender’s Special Report High Absorption Supplements———–30.00FRNs

(2)  Vaccine Exemption Card——————————————————————-50.00FRNs

(3)  247 World Radio Broadcasts 2013-2024————–100.00FRNs ea; 150.00FRNs for 2

(4)  Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizenship Course——————————–4,000.00FRNs

(5)  Advanced Private Citizenship Course——————————————–4,000.00FRNs

(6)  Anonymous New Mexico Limited Liability Company————————-1,500.00FRNs

(5)  Private Irrevocable Ecclesiastical Sub-Trust of RBT————————10,000.00FRNs

(6)  Preparation of PANC Declaration of Status Documents———————1,500.00FRNs

(7)  Class on Individual & Business Income Tax Avoidance———————-4,000.00FRNs

(8)  Source for Moving 401(k) Funds to Fixed Index Annuity———————200.00FRNs

(9)  APeX Water for maladies see Eric Jon Phelps 1 Liter bottle——————-As Needed

(10)  Order Sean Hanlon’s book titled The 3rd Truth

from his website in Ireland.  Definitive work on the Pandemic

and the Great Reset containing many excellent historical facts!—————–16.00FRNs



Gifts:  To donate to this ministry please send your check to:

Reformation Bible Trust

P.O. Box 306

Newmanstown, PA  17073

or to Cash App at:



or via papal “Paypal” send to:


For any further questions contact EJP at or

Church Office Phone: 610-340-0734 or 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200






Individual Income Tax Avoidance Class

To be Scheduled upon Student Interest, 2025 (Thurs, Fri, Sat)

On Line with Zoom

3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps

Course Coordinator: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs





Primary PC Course

To Be Scheduled upon Student Interest; 2025 (Thurs, Fri, Sat)

On Line with Zoom

(3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps)

Course Coordinator: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs




Advanced Class (Primary PC Course Required)

To be Scheduled upon Student Interest; 2025 (Thurs, Fri, Sat)

On Line with Zoom

(3 days, Eric Jon: Phelps)

Course Coordinator: Eric

Cost is 4,000.00 FRNs



Call EJP at 610-589-5300 or 484-238-5200 for your reservation.



Lord willing, we shall meet in 2025.  You will not regret the time spent in understanding this issue as it is one the most important, life changing events that you may ever address.  All the best my friend.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Brother Eric Jon: Phelps
Author, Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”
203 South Fort Zellers Road
Newmanstown, Pennsylvania
Zip Code Excepted [17073]
Office: 610-589-5300



Private American Citizenship Course Vol I Cover for Binders Large 247worldradio


Store now configured for World Wide Shipping

Visit the Store

Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends,”  Third Edition, Fifth Printing.  In exchange for a gift of: $420.00 + Shipping (Out of Print)

Vatican Assassins III (E-Book CD).  In exchange for a gift of: $39.95 + Shipping;  Download Version:  $24.95

Conspiracy Conference of 2008 – Power Point (Updated).  In exchange for a gift of: $24.95 + Shipping

Vatican Assassins III and Con-Con Bundle.    In exchange for a gift of $49.95 + Shipping

Truth Conference of 2011 – Power Point .    In exchange for a gift of: $24.95 + Shipping

Engineer Corps of Hell (E-Book CD).   In exchange for a gift of: $14.95 + Shipping;  Download Version: $9.95

Jesuit Watch” (Archives 2008/2009).   In exchange for a gift of: $39.95 + Shipping

Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy Broadcasts, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.    In exchange for a gift of for each year’s broadcast:  $49.95 (complete set) + Shipping

Clear and Present Evil: A Documentary for Those That See by Steve Stavro.  This is considered by many to be the best DVD ever produced against the Society of Jesus.   In exchange for a gift of: $24.95 + Shipping

Seven Transitions of American Citizenship/Law of Release.  This Power Point,  with an accompanying 64-page Word Document, explains the terrible alterations of American citizenship from July 28, 1868, to December 16, 1950.  A must for your library to understand how American citizens under American Common Law became essentially “Romans citizens” under Roman Civil Law.  How to return to American citizenship status is also partially described.  This DVD is included in my course below on American Citizenship.  In exchange for a gift of: $99.95 + Shipping

Codeword BarbelonBook 1, by P. D. Stuart.  Apart from the errors that George Washington was a Roman Catholic and that the American Revolution was a work of the Jesuits, Stuart gives many excellent facts further exposing the Society of Jesus.   In exchange for a gift of: $35.95 + Shipping

Darryl Eberhart on Romanism (CD).  This CD contains a massive amount of work and valuable quotes to be used in publicly exposing the masters of the American Empire—the Company of Jesus.  The CD also includes Rome and the War by “Watchman,” a rare and illusive classic that exposed Rome’s fomenting of World War I between the two greatest White Protestant Empires in the world—Protestant World Empire of Great Britain and the Protestant Second German Reich.   In exchange for a gift of: $44.95 + Shipping; Download Version: $29.95

The Popery and Jesuitism Reference Library.  This Set of four DVDs contains a total of 1100 titles— gloriously rare books covering Romanism, Jesuitism and the Protestant Reformation.  Assembled by Brother John several years ago, it will serve as the foremost collection of literary treasures exposing the Jesuit Order available today.  It took a massive amount of work to compose this great tool saving the Seeker of Truth much time and money in finding and purchasing these rare masterpieces written primarily in the 19th Century, which glorious Century for the peoples of Europe and Russia the Order termed “the Century of Disaster.”   In exchange for a gift of: $99.95 + Shipping

Ten Anti-Jesuit Books (Download) Plus a BONUS Book.  In exchange for a gift of: $24.95 + Shipping

Whore of Revelation: Mystery Babylon the Great DVD.  This tremendous DVD Power Point further proves that Rome is the “Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth” of Revelation 17:5.  Lots of great pictures of world leaders (Obama, Biden, Putin, Queen Elizabeth II, etc.), submitting to the Pope of Rome.   In exchange for a gift of: $24.95 + Shipping

KING, A False Prophet? by Erien L. Fraizer.  This dear Black sister-in-Christ exposes Michael King (alias, “Martin Luther King”) for the tool of Rome and the Jesuits that he was.  A truly great work for all peoples to digest.   King was affiliated with Jesuits of Saint Louis University, St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and St. Peter’s University in New Jersey promoting the Order’s racial amalgamation of the pope’s American Empire.  In exchange for a gift of: $19.95 + Shipping

Malcolm X Archive.  This double DVD video set is the most thorough collection of the interviews and speeches of Malcolm X.  He was an honest Black nationalist who bravely advocated the establishment of a new Black nation in the United States.  Rome’s Black Masonic Nation of Islam was originally created for the secret purpose of agitating racial tensions in the Northern Roman Catholic Cities intending to ignite a Black-on-White race war to end in a Jesuit-directed, White Fascist military dictatorship.  But Malcolm woke up to the fact that the Nation was compromised by its Masonic leader—the hatefully racist, anti-White, anti-Jew, false prophet Elijah Muhammad—the secret friend of Knight of Malta Edward Bennett Williams, a most powerful Papal Knight loyal the the Jesuits of Georgetown University.  Having stated that Rome’s hatefully racist, anti-Black, anti-Jew, White Masonic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Nation of Islam “had the same paymasters,” Malcolm was marked for reprisal.  And upon Malcolm exposing the dishonorable Elijah Muhammad as a pedophile, having fathered eight children to six teenage Black girls, Malcolm was now sentenced to death.  Shot down in New York City in 1965 by NOI assassins sent by Freemason Elijah Muhammad working in conjunction with the high command of the FBI (33rd Degree Freemason FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and Knight of Malta FBI Deputy Director Cartha D. DeLoach) aided by the New York City Police Department, the bloody murder of the brave Malcolm X was secured.  The man who oversaw it all was none other than the secret power behind the murder of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.  That man was the diabolical sodomite and king of New York City, Francis Cardinal Spellman— “the American Pope!”  And Masonic Louis Farrakhan, the current leader of the Nation of Islam, knows it, for he has been a secret informant for the pope’s FBI since 1964!   In exchange for a gift of: $49.95 in US + Shipping

The Gray People by Victor Herman.  This epic 106-page work was never copyrighted until now.  It is out of print and the publisher is no longer in existence.  Therefore it is now available on CD and offered to you, dear truth seeker!  This e-book tells the horrible story of captivity in Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Joseph Stalin’s Gulag torture system imposed upon the dear, anti-papal, Orthodox Russian people from 1917 to 1990.  A Jew, Victor Herman, gives an account never told to the world.  It is a most horrible narration and fit for adults only as the sexual abuse was to the extent of forced bestiality.  This is a warning for America if the Jesuits ever impose their plotted New Right Fascist Military dictatorship.   In exchange for a gift of: $49.95 + Shipping

UFO: Secrets of the Third Reich; The German Turbojet Flying Saucer Genesis by Vladimr Terziski.  This manuscript was sent to your host by a German here in America.  He sais that Mr. Terziski disappeared in Vienna, Austria, never to be seen again.  My contact also told your host Mr. Terziski wanted this manuscript published if he was ever killed or “disappeared.”  So it is with great pleasure to offer this epic work in e-book form on German flying saucers.  May we all realize that the wicked Jesuit Order, in full control of the American Military Industrial Complex, has perfected anti-gravity craft via Lockheed Martin Corporation and use them to keep all nations subject to the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome.   In exchange for a gift of: $49.95

Ultimate Trends Colon Cleansing Kit.  This is the very best kit out on the market today.  Being a one-piece plastic board with accompanying 5-gal. bucket, I have used it for years and found it to be invaluable in both health restoration and maintenance.  The best kit is the “Ultimate Package.”   In exchange for a gift of:  $418.00 in US; $430.00 in Canada; $450.00 Intl.

Course on Private Citizenship of the United States of AmericaA work of over three years, I finally came to understand how to restore the former status of all Americans born in the geographic United States composing the fifty states.  It is a three-day class using one, 3-inch binder with accompanying zip drive containing the original three course volumes full of tremendous documentation.  Once you are restored to your former status of being a Pre-March 9, 1933, Private Citizen of the United States / Private American National / Non-“U.S. citizen,” said status secured by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment and held on the day of your natural birth, you will no longer be surety/trustee for ALL CAPS “person” / “U.S. Citizen” which status is now destroying the enslaved White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic American Middle Class born out of the Protestant Reformation as per the design of the wicked Counter-Reformation Society of Jesus—the forerunners of Antichrist, the final Pope of Rome slain with a sword to then rise from the dead, possessed by Satan to be the Man/Beast for 42 months.  Sign up for the monthly class or purchase the course while listening to the broadcasts that will be sent with the course.   This course is a ministry of Reformation Bible Puritan Baptist Church for the gift of 4,000.00FRNs.  

“NO To The Vatican Jesuit Order’s One World Government,” 3 x 11-inch bumper sticker.  This is a real attention-getter!  Designed by Brother Ron in West Virginia, we have plenty to go around!   In exchange for a gift of: $9.95 + Shipping.  Bulk prices available!

OxyHealth Hyperbaric Chambers I handle all six models of these wonderful chambers as well as Oxygen Concentrators.  These chambers, five portable and inflatable as well as one that is steel and stationary, are the best in the industry.  For all monthly supporters of this ministry, a 5% discount will be given on any purchase of any chamber resulting in significant savings while helping this critical ministry!  In order to purchase one of these chambers, the buyer needs a physician’s prescription, as these are “class two” medical devices.  The use of a hyperbaric chamber is one of the very best methods for stroke recovery and wound healing.  Using ambient air within the chamber while breathing pure oxygen through a mask, these are wonderful for athletes and those suffering from any malady involving oxygen depletion within the tissues.  Go to my captured link below, then click on “Business.”  When on the “Business” category, scroll down to “OxyHealth Hyperbaric Chambers” for more information.

Yerba Mate.  This is the wonderful and infamous Herb of Paraguay discovered by the Jesuits and put into the Order’s international commerce during the days of the Black Pope’s 57 socialist-communist Reductions that once spanned through the south of Brazil, the north of Argentina, and all of Paraguay.  This valuable herbal commodity was considered to be an elixir of life for the Guarani Indians, and was marketed to North America through Philadelphia at the turn of the 20th Century.  I offer Yerba Mate products at retail from my wholesale supplier Mendomate.  (Go to that link!)  For it is my desire for all anti-Jesuit people of all nations to cease drinking the Order’s pro-cancerous, acidic “coffee” replacing it with the invigorating Yerba Mate!  For more information about this important life extension beverage, reference at this link written by Brazilianist Richard Kane from Illinois.  Related is the group study tour itinerary he has developed to the missionary region featuring Yerba Mate and contact with the Guarani Indians whereby students, faculty and other interested parties may experience this essential history first hand, especially as it relates to the power of the devil’s Society of Jesus during the 17th and 18th Centuries.

Young Living Essential Oils and Products.  These are the greatest of oils and other personal products I have ever used.  Essential oils such as Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Oregano, as well as combinations such as “Valor” and “Pain Away” have been used to restore health while fighting infections over the last 15 years.  To purchase these master products created by Dr. Gary Young, or if you wish to become a distributor in our group, go our business website at

Youngevity ProductsMy favorite product offered by this tremendous company founded by Dr. Joel Wallach is “Z-Radical.”  Loaded with fucoidan, a seaweed based nutrient, Z-Radical has more fucoidan than any other product on the market.  Since fucoidan has been shown to be an anti-cancer nutrient, I take it every day in my special life extension drink.  Become a distributor of Youngevity Products today and put Z-Radical on your autoship.  To sign up with Youngevity and become a member of our group, and or to just purchase products and shop, go to our website at


To order, check the VA Store for availability or contact us by phone: 610-589-5300; Fax: 610-589-6420.

Eric Jon Phelps

P.O. Box 326
Newmanstown, Pennsylvania, 17073
